Thursday, November 4, 2010

Just a Quick Note

God is good and gifts abound, but I've been temporarily redirected. For several weeks I prayed about what to post and which writing project to focus on next and was a little frustrated because God seemed to be silent on both issues. Responding in my typical Type A fashion, I kept asking God the same questions and waiting for Him to respond the way I expected. However, when I finally stopped looking for the answers I expected and started listening for God's direction, I was reminded of something on my "To-Do Next" list.

I prayerfully compiled the "To-Do Next" list at the Proverbs 31 conference in August. It included big things like rewriting an article for publication and little things like sending emails and checking out blogs. I'm happy to report that I've crossed almost everything off the list. Almost. One big task remains however, and the only answer to my many prayers for writing direction pointed to that one thing: organize notes.

So, I am currently in the process of sorting through and organizing a year's worth of notes. These "notes" consist of vague outlines scribbled in my writing notebook, nearly illegible ideas scrawled on pieces of scrap paper at stoplights, and hastily jotted keywords turned cryptic messages because I was under the mistaken assumption I'd remember what I was thinking when I wrote down "buckets" on a post-it note and shoved it in my pocket.

In the midst of all this, my Type A personality is fretting a bit. My weekly blog hits have ticked up (thank you!), but everybody knows that out-of-date posts cause readers to lose interest. Still, I truly believe God wants me to get these notes sorted out before I move on, so that's what I'm going to do. I've had to remind my Type A personality that I've surrendered ambition and determined to simply respond to God's call. Whatever He chooses to do with that is a good and perfect gift.


  1. you are so right..responding to God's call.... and not our own. I must admit I have clicked on your blog site at least 2x a week since that last one. Your page is listed as a you are one of my favorite friends. May God continue to bless you and your family. <3lm

  2. Thank you! You are a good and perfect gift! :)


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